Haga clic en su escuela para obtener información de contacto, precios y oportunidades de clubes de enriquecimiento.
$ 295 / mes
$50 annual registration fee per child
Fall 2023 Information Coming Soon!
(Below is the current Spring 2023 club listings)
Fall Enrichment Opens August 14th
Fall Enrichment Closes September 1st
Spring 2023 Information:
Classes start the week of January 23
Classes end the week of May 1
Make-Ups will be held the week of May 8
Total Weeks: 14 Weeks
*A $15 daily rate will be charged for all "Enrichment Only" participants.*
Coding with a Twist: iCan STEM
Coding with a Twist, LLC
Class Taught By:
iCan STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) was created to develop creators, thinkers, problem solvers, doers, innovators, and inventors. Exposing our scholars to thought-provoking STEM activities at an early age today sets a foundation for higher learning tomorrow.
iCan STEM is an after-school program that includes the following disciplines: life
sciences, physical sciences, engineering, mathematics, computer science, social skills,
and health sciences.
K - 5th
3:30 - 4:30
The Knight School Elementary Chess
The Knight School Houston
Class Taught By:
The Knight School is the chess party for the well-rounded kids of America from brand-new beginners to highly advanced chess players. Unlike your typical chess program, our primary focuses are good sportsmanship and fun. That being the case, our students continue to win state championships year after year. Join The Knight School chess party and give your child the gift of undeniable academic confidence, amazing chess friends, a self-identity as a smart kid, and a weekly dose of childhood joy that is the highlight of their week!
The Knight School has had amazing success because of our unique and unprecedented educational philosophy, “the chess party.” Our unique model has swept America because it has never been seen before: we simply invite everyone from your school to join our chess team and we use only high-energy teaching methods such as super-fast, clock-slapping chess games, zany chess videos, a strict bully-free environment, silicone wristbands for tactics mastery, chess puzzlers for candy, driving music, hilarious tactics-lesson videos, and Mardi-Gras bead chess tournaments each day we practice. Sign up today!
Little Geniuses PreK Chess
The Knight School Houston
Class Taught By:
Little Geniuses is a chess-song singing, laughing, chess-tourney, dancing, chess clock-slapping, zany chess video, puppet show introduction to chess and being the smart kid in class. Kids report Little Geniuses to be the favorite part of their week because kids love our developmentally-targeted, infectiously-fun thinking activities and find them compelling, exhilarating, and extremely gratifying.
PreK - Kinder
4:30 - 5:15
Party with Picasso
Kidcreate Studio
Class Taught By:
Let’s party with Pablo (Picasso, that is). Your young artist will enjoy learning about and creating fantastic works of art inspired by Pablo and More. We will recreate famous works of art like Van Gogh’s Sunflowers, da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, and Picasso's Blue Guitar, all while using various art materials and techniques. These magnificent works of art are sure to inspire your young artist!
K - 5th
3:30 - 4:30
Martial Arts
Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Houston, INC
Class Taught By:
Soo Bahk Do is a Korean traditional Martial Arts style. Students can expect a journey that will take them to new levels of self-confidence, positive self-esteem, mental and physical wellbeing. Children will be taught basic life skills and karate techniques to defend oneself or others from physical threat.
Theater Lab Kids
Theater Lab Kids
Class Taught By:
Theater Lab Kids after school showcases the ideas of students with one overall objective - produce original plays using the individual and collective group creativity to inspire a short play (between 12-25 minutes) with settings, conflicts, props, costumes, and characters.
Additionally, instruction is provided in areas of movement, vocal projection/inflection and warm ups, valuing creative ideas through teamwork, and being a good audience.
We also practice improvisation and acting exercises, expressing emotional response, theater games, prop construction, as well as touch on costume, set, and makeup designs.
On the final day of the session, casts will perform their original script in front of a live audience. Students are challenged to be playwrights, producers, and performers in this class while learning life skills and HAVING FUN!
All Sports
Coach Mercer LLC
Class Taught By:
A variety of sports are offered in Coach Mercer's sports performance class including basketball, flag football, volleyball, softball/baseball, tennis, golf, pickleball, soccer, and fitness. To practice their skills, kids will be divided into small station groups based on their age, grade, and skill ability. In each sport, children will learn the rules and practice specific skills. A certified Sports Performance Skills coach instructs each class. Following each class, the kids will be given the opportunity to participate in a controlled competitive game. www.coachchrismercer.com
K - 5th
3:30 - 4:30